Sustainable Vending Jackson | Earth-Friendly Eco-Coffee | Green Office Products

How to Make Your Jackson Break Room More Earth-Friendly

It’s important to think about ways we can be kinder to the Earth at work. So, it’s time to chat about turning your Jackson break room into an earth-friendly oasis. Not sure where to start? Let us help you! We’ve got some simple steps that not only help our planet but also make your break time even better. Here’s how to get started.

Earth-Friendly Coffee Choices

Let’s start with the basics – coffee. Our Jackson office coffee service has your back with some eco-friendly options. For example, we can get coffees certified by the Rainforest Alliance and FairTrade. Rainforest Alliance means the coffee is grown in a way that’s friendly to nature. FairTrade ensures that coffee farmers are treated fairly. Whether you’re into traditional coffee pots or single-cup pods, we’ve got sustainable choices for your caffeine fix.

Snack Smart in Your Micro-Market

Snacks make the break room more fun, right? Why not pick ones that are good for you and the Earth? Look for FairTrade chocolate in your Jackson micro-market. That way, you’re supporting fair pay and responsible farming.

Jackson Micro-Markets | Office Coffee | Earth-Friendly Break Room Service

No micro-market? You can also request eco-snacks like plant-based jerky for your Jackson vending machine. It’s better for the environment and keeps you healthy too!

Sort Your Trash and Recycling

Let’s get serious about recycling. Make it easy for everyone by having separate bins for trash and recycling. Label them so everyone knows what goes where. And here’s an idea – keep everyone in the loop about how much recycling is happening. Share the numbers in company updates to get everyone involved and excited to contribute. Small steps like these make a big difference!

Don’t Wait to Upgrade to an Earth-Friendly Break Room

With Graham Snack Foods, making your Jackson break room earth-friendly is easy and fun. With green choices in your break room — from coffee and snacks to recycling — you’re not only doing good for the planet but also your employees. So, let’s make a move towards a greener and more eco-friendly break room. Your team and our planet will thank you!

Ready to learn more? Contact Graham Snack Foods today at (731) 423-4330 to get started!

Jackson Vending Solutions | Staff Compensation | Gourmet Coffee

3 Ways Jackson Break Room Services Can Boost Your Compensation Package

A good compensation package is a core concern for all employees. Jackson workplaces can attract new talent and boost loyalty with an outstanding compensation package. Add more benefits with some powerful break room perks. Here are just a few ways Jackson break room services can boost your compensation package:

Boost Company Branding

Your break room offers many branding opportunities. Take this chance to show your amazing company culture! An excellent break room can also help with your retention and recruitment strategy.

There are many ways to add branding to your break room. Adding a TV is one way. With a TV, you get the chance to show company messaging. Plus, you can boost morale. Employees can catch part of a game over lunch. TVs are also useful during meetings. You can display presentations and videos on the TV.

Another branding option is with a Jackson micro-market. Our self-checkout kiosks allow for messages to play when idle. Highlight your workplace! You can even help raise awareness about new benefits with these messages.

Jackson Micro-Market | Healthy Food Options | Employee Compensation

You can also wrap vending machines in graphics that include your company motto or branding. More branding in the break room can help your company shine.

Creative Services Can Elevate Your Compensation Package

Today’s employees appreciate quality coffee. Our Jackson office coffee service includes specialty coffee. Add a single-cup coffee service that serves lattes. Or, opt for a bean-to-cup machine. This office coffee equipment grinds beans on demand. You can’t get a fresher cup of coffee than that.

Highlight Wellness in Your Jackson Break Room

In Jackson, healthy foods are growing more and more popular. Wellness and good health are important goals for many employees. Bring more healthy options to your break room! Healthy options can also be an important part of your compensation package.

How? By showing your support for healthy living. As an added perk, you could subsidize healthy items in your Jackson micro-market. Employees will appreciate the gesture.

Micro-markets offer many fresh foods and a wide variety of snacks. We can even tailor your product menu. That way, everyone can find something they like.

Upgrade Your Break Room and Your Compensation Benefits!

At Graham Snack Foods, we’re experts in Jackson break room services. We can help create the break room of your dreams, from vending machines to single-cup coffee. In the process, we can also help improve your benefits. Get in touch to get started at (731) 423-4330! We look forward to working with you.

Jackson Micro-Market Services | Break Room Food | Vending Machines

How to Choose Between a Jackson Micro-Market and a Vending Machine

With the rising popularity of Jackson vending machines or a micro-market, knowing which option is right for your business can be tough. It’s important to take the needs of both the business and your employees into consideration. To help, we’re breaking down the main differences between micro-markets and vending machines. So, you can make the right choice for your break room.

A Micro-Market and Vending Machine Offer Snacks Anytime

Both options offer popular, brand-name snacks 24/7. This is great for employees, especially those who work late or odd hours. No matter when they’re in the office, they can always find something to munch on.

Vending Machines Offer Safety First

Vending machines are secure because all the goodies are behind glass. Therefore, there’s no need to worry about damaging or misplacing products.

Pay With Cashless No Matter What

With both micro-markets and vending machines, you don’t need cash to pay. How convenient and easy is that? Just use your credit card or mobile wallet! What’s more, micro-markets have self-checkout kiosks for smooth transactions.

Jackson Healthy Snacks | Office Micro-Market Beverages | Employee Wellness

Enjoy Cold Drinks Galore

Both Jackson break room service options have cold drinks, but micro-markets can hold more. Therefore, you can get a greater mix of beverage options to choose from. This is ideal for larger office spaces with many employees.

Go Healthy

Both options offer healthy snacks, but micro-markets have more room for nutritious choices. For example, you can include fresh food items like yogurt, salads, and sandwiches. On the other hand, healthier items in vending machines must fit inside vendable packages.

A Micro-Market Lets You Read Before You Buy

In micro-markets, you can pick up products and read labels before making a choice. This helps those with dietary needs to make informed decisions. Plus, it helps health-conscious employees reach their wellness goals.

Deals and Support

Great news! You can get subsidies for both micro-markets and vending machines. With vending machines, some products can be free for employees. However, micro-markets offer more flexibility. For example, your company can pay for specific items or provide employees with an account balance. By offering discounts on nutritious items, you can support healthy choices as part of your corporate wellness plan.

Is a Micro-Market or Vending Machine Right for You?

Deciding between a Jackson micro-market and a vending machine is easier when you know the differences. If you’re still not sure what option is best for you, we’re here to help! Contact Graham Snack Foods at (731) 423-4330 or for more information about our micro-market, office coffee, vending, or refreshment services. We look forward to working with you!

Jackson Vending Service | Breakation Snacks | Employee Satisfaction

4 Ways to Treat Jackson Employees to a Breakation

This summer, delight Jackson employees with a breakation. What’s a breakation? Think summer vacation meets break time. Breakations are great opportunities to relax and recharge that you can bring to the workplace. Offer your team a break room escape. This prevents burnout and also boosts productivity. Thus, employees feel great. And your business benefits too!

What goes into a breakation? Begin by creating an employee haven with quality Jackson break room services. Here’s how.

1. Music Sets the Perfect Tone

Silence may be golden in movie theaters, but it’s a different story in offices. Music motivates employees. Plus, it boosts staff satisfaction. That’s because it lifts your mood. It also drowns out distractions.

Play lo-fi beats in your Jackson break room. Or, try classical music. This creates a relaxing space. It also improves your Jackson office coffee service. Employees can chill out as they sip their coffee-based drinks.

Want something different? Try coffee shop sounds. This makes employees feel like they’re in a café. Get a bean-to-cup brewer that grinds fresh coffee beans to complete the coffee shop vibe.

2. Refreshing Breakation Foods

What’s one of the best things about vacations? Food, of course! That’s why our Jackson micro-markets offer tons of choices in your break room. For instance, get healthy snacks, fresh foods, sweet treats, protein meal replacements, all-natural options, crunchy sides, etc. The options are nearly endless! Employees will feel like they’re in their favorite restaurant.

Graham Snack Foods offers rotating menus. This keeps things fresh. We even take special requests. Everybody can enjoy delicious meals, regardless of their dietary needs. Additionally, employees can pay their way. The self-check kiosk takes cash and credit. Or, even mobile wallets.

Jackson Micro-Market | Breakation | Office Coffee

3. Trendy Cold Beverages

Everyone loves to enjoy cold beverages on their vacations. What’s better than a refreshing, fruity drink? Our Jackson vending machine service brings vacation vibes into break rooms. Employees can enjoy trendy beverages during work. For instance, fruit-flavored sparkling water or smooth bottled cold brew.

Furthermore, Graham Snack Foods has healthy options. We carry vitamin water and energy drinks. This supports workplace wellness. Therefore, employees feel their best.

4. Games and Entertainment

All fun vacations have games! Make this a reality in the break room. Put out board games so coworkers can challenge one another during breaks. Offer puzzles to be put together a few pieces at a time as staff comes in for coffee or water. This promotes collaboration. It also boosts morale and productivity. Employees that play together work better together!

Another fun option is to put your vending machines on free vend mode or bring in some bulk goodies. This way, employees can enjoy some summer refreshments. They’ll feel appreciated and know you care. Ask us about turning your Jackson vending machines on free and our deals on ordering bulk products, such as bottled water, to be delivered. We make it affordable and easy.

Graham Snack Foods Is Where Your Breakation Happens

Treat your team to a breakation this summer or any time of the year. Graham Snack Foods is here to help. We offer quality break room services. Employees can enjoy healthy, delicious foods. They’ll also love our trendy drinks! Our services can increase employee satisfaction. Thus, retention rates may rise.

Want to learn more? If so, contact Graham Snack Foods today by calling (731) 423-4330. We offer vending, micro-market, and office coffee solutions. We’re excited to hear from you!