Jackson Employee Benefit | Corporate Culture | Kiosk

5 Ways to Make Your Jackson Break Room a Valuable Employee Benefit

Want to make your workplace even better? Try updating your Jackson break room so it’s more than just a place to eat lunch, but a perk for everyone! That way it can even help increase morale and boost retention. Here’s how to upgrade your break room for an employee benefit your team will love.

Give It a Makeover

Does your break room need a refresh? Give it a makeover! A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference, and it’s an easy fix that can be scheduled for over the weekend. Also, think about adding some plants to the break space. This not only makes the room look better but also helps clean the air, making it healthier to breathe. Overall, plants bring a bit of nature inside, making it a happier and more vibrant workspace. A few simple touches will go far!

Break Room Benefit: Micro-Markets

Say goodbye to vending machines and hello to a Jackson micro-market! It’s like having a small store right in your break room. You can find all sorts of snacks, drinks, and even fresh food. This makes it easy for everyone to find something they like, and it’s healthier too! This is one employee benefit that everyone at the office will thank you for.

Use It for Group Activities

Make your break room a welcoming place for gathering and getting to know each other. You could have meditation sessions during lunch or talks about money management. It’s a great way for everyone to learn something new and bond with their coworkers. This can benefit your team by helping them feel supported both in and outside of work. The result? Happy and healthy employees!

Jackson Beverage Vending Machine | Office Perks | Fresh Food Benefit

Celebrate Wins at Work

Let your team know when they’re doing a great job! You can put up messages in the break room for work anniversaries or when a team hits their goals. You could even give them micro-market credits or free vend vouchers to buy snacks as a reward. Who doesn’t love free food? Showing appreciation for your team is a small touch that can make a big impact.

Coffee Benefit: A Corporate Cafe

Upgrade your office coffee game! Instead of just one type of coffee, offer a variety of options. You might consider single-cup coffee machines that brew coffee by the cup so everyone can get the blend or brand they want. Having different coffee choices can make mornings (and afternoons) better. And great Jackson coffee service is a benefit that everyone can get behind.

Use a Service Provider Who Cares

One of the most overlooked ways to better use your break room is to switch to a high-quality break room service provider. By teaming up with a company like Graham Snack Foods, you can make sure your break room stays modern and fresh. We’ll keep the Jackson vending machines full and take care of all of your break room needs. That means less stress for you and more benefits for employees!

So, why wait? Give your Jackson break room a boost today and see the benefits for yourself! Contact us at (731) 423-4330 to learn more. We can’t wait to work with you!

Jackson Vending Technology Innovations | Snack Machines | Modern Break Room

Innovations You’ll Find In Today’s Jackson Break Rooms

Think the break room is a simple space with old-fashioned equipment and service? Think again! In the Jackson break rooms we service, you’ll see plenty of innovations. It’s integrated into everything we do. It’s in the way we manage stocking your break room. And how we offer the easiest payment options and most current refreshment solutions.

Keep reading to explore just how we innovate to give you the best Jackson break room.

Innovations in Route Management

Gone are the days when we rolled around with bulk sodas and snacks in delivery trucks. Instead, today we use route management systems. That way we only bring the products needed to your workplace. It’s a great way to boost our efficiency without sacrificing the quality of our service. This keeps our prices low and our service high.

Cashless Payments and Mobile Perks

Most of our Jackson vending machines have technology built in to take more than just cash. They have cashless readers that accept nearly all credit and debit cards. That makes buying fast and secure. You know you can get something you want, even if you don’t have cash.

Some vending machines even have options to order and pay with your mobile phone, making it a touchless experience. And what about offering feedback? Many of our vending machines have QR codes that let you text us your thoughts about snacks or beverages at that machine.

San Diego Office Single-Cup Coffee | Micro-Market Service | Refreshment Innovations

Bean-to-Cup Coffee Innovations

Energize with the newest Jackson office coffee service innovation – a bean-to-cup brewer. It’s a corporate cafe shrunk down into a compact coffee machine. It makes specialty coffee drinks such as espresso and lattes. Honestly, it can brew anything a barista can make.

The best part? A bean-to-cup coffee machine offers the sights, smells, and tastes of a coffee shop. Yet, there’s no cost for fancy equipment or coffee-making staff. If that isn’t innovation, we don’t know what is.

Self-Checkout Kiosks in the Jackson Break Room

One of the newest innovations in this industry is Jackson micro-markets. These are small convenience stores right in the break room. There are edible options all day and night, every day of the year. How? Because of the self-checkout kiosk. Employees shop the micro-market, scan, and pay with any form of payment, including mobile wallets.

There’s more variety than vending and employees can look at items before buying. Plus, we can stock the market to fit your employee’s different tastes based on what is sold at the kiosk. In other words, we’ll customize it even after it’s in your break room.

Advance Your Break Room with Graham Snack Foods

At Graham Snack Foods, our goal is to make the break room the best it can be. It’s still a place to refresh, grab a snack, chat with co-workers over coffee, or eat lunch. That won’t change, even as we continue to innovate and bring better service into your workplace.

Contact Graham Snack Foods to learn more about how we provide the best break rooms in Jackson. Call us at (731) 423-4330. We look forward to sharing our use of technology and modern equipment with you today.

Jackson Break Room Upgrades | Employee Benefits | Refresh Office Snacks

4 Easy Ways to Refresh Your Jackson Break Room

Does your Jackson break room need a refresh? If so, Graham Snack Foods can give it a boost. Modern break room solutions create a comfortable and welcoming space. Thus, more employees will use it. They’ll take more mini-breaks, relax, and return to their desks feeling recharged.

Keep reading to learn four ways Graham Snack Foods can refresh your break room.

1. Upgrade to Healthy Vending

Employees want to feel their best. Promote workplace wellness with healthy snacks. Graham Snack Foods can add these to your Jackson vending machines. We offer countless choices. For instance, get protein snacks or plant-based goodies. Stay hydrated with vitamin drinks. These help employees feel fuller for longer. Therefore, they won’t overeat at their next meal. Plus, healthy snacks keep employees energized.

Graham Snack Foods makes healthy habits simple! We can label better-for-you items in your break room so they are easy to identify.

2. Refresh Your Break Room with a Subsidized Micro-Market

Consider a subsidized Jackson micro-market to refresh your break room and reward employees. These are small, unmanned convenience stores where employees can choose from hundreds of options. They can buy brand-name snacks or get fresh food. Additionally, they can skip checkout lines by using a self-checkout kiosk. Pay with cash, a card, or your mobile wallet.

Subsidized micro-markets allow the employer to cover some or all costs. Employees can enjoy free food or deep discounts. They can save money and stay healthy. It’s a great way to show your appreciation! Or, subsidize your micro-market for special events. Offer employees free food on their birthdays.

3. Upgrade to Jackson Single-Cup Coffee

Jackson Micro-Market | Vending Machines | Refresh Office Coffee

Employees LOVE coffee. So, why not make your Jackson office coffee service extra special? Upgrade to a single-cup brewer that makes a cup of coffee by the pod. Thus, the coffee is guaranteed to be fresh. Users can pick their favorite flavors. There’s a brew for everyone! Lastly, single-cup brewers stop coffee waste. Employees make the perfect amount just for them and not more than the office can drink.

4. Add the Finishing Touches

Want to boost your break room on a budget? Add artwork! You can buy affordable prints and frames at big-box stores. Choose calming images of the ocean. Or, get artwork featuring soothing colors.

You can also add some greenery, adding live plants to your break room. These help employees feel calm. They also improve indoor air quality. Hang a plant in the window. Or, include some fresh flowers on the countertop. Voila! Employees can enjoy an instantly refreshed break room.

Graham Snack Foods Will Refresh Your Break Room

An updated break room can improve employee satisfaction. Plus, adding healthy snacks supports employees’ well-being. Graham Snack Foods makes Jackson break rooms better. Ask us about our micro-market, vending, and office coffee services.

Contact us today by calling (731) 423-4330 for more information. Enjoy a refreshed break room in no time!

Jackson Break Room Upgrades | Healthy Vending | Subsidized Snacks

Jackson Break Room Need an Upgrade? Here Are Some Ideas

Want to upgrade your Jackson break room? The best spaces relieve stress for employees. They are places where your team can unwind and relax. This mental break helps staff achieve more, improving productivity. A better break room can also reduce burnout.

Need ideas for a break room refresh? If so, we’re here to help! Keep reading to learn more.

Subsidize Your Vending Machine or Micro-Market

Free food encourages employees to take more breaks. Consider subsidizing your Jackson vending machine. We can put your vending machines on free vend mode. You’ll cover some or all of the costs, thus, your team enjoys free or discounted snacks. This is a great way to reward them for hitting goals. Or use it during special events. Hosting a holiday party? Spread the cheer with complimentary food!

Graham Snack Foods offers subsidized micro-market solutions too. You can pay for all or some of the items. For example, pick up the tab for healthy options. This boosts employee wellness. They can make better choices without breaking the bank. Employees will feel their best. Plus, free in-house food keeps them from needing to leave the office. Therefore, they’ll save time. Co-workers can unwind and eat lunch together. This deepens relationships.

Jackson Micro-Market | Bean-to-Cup Coffee | Refreshments Upgrade

Try a Bean-to-Cup Coffee Brewer

Speaking of coffee, try an upgrade to your office coffee service. Add a Jackson bean-to-cup brewer. It grinds whole beans. Therefore, it sounds and smells like a café. It’s almost like transforming your break room into a local coffeeshop! You don’t need to hire a barista. The brewer makes it easy to order drinks. Employees can enter their orders on the touchscreen. They can make premium coffee. Or, they can order cappuccinos or lattes. Some brewers even make hot chocolate. This is perfect for non-coffee drinkers.

Offer even more ways to customize coffee drinks with seasonal creamers and syrup flavors. For example, offer gingerbread or peppermint in the winter. It’s a great way to celebrate the holidays! Employees will feel cozy with their coffee.

Graham Snack Foods Makes It Easy to Upgrade Your Break Room

Ready for a better break room? Contact Graham Snack Foods today. We can subsidize your vending machines or micro-market, and offer upgraded office coffee solutions.

Call us today at (731) 423-4330 to learn more. Your employees will be glad you did!

Jackson Vending Service | Breakation Snacks | Employee Satisfaction

4 Ways to Treat Jackson Employees to a Breakation

This summer, delight Jackson employees with a breakation. What’s a breakation? Think summer vacation meets break time. Breakations are great opportunities to relax and recharge that you can bring to the workplace. Offer your team a break room escape. This prevents burnout and also boosts productivity. Thus, employees feel great. And your business benefits too!

What goes into a breakation? Begin by creating an employee haven with quality Jackson break room services. Here’s how.

1. Music Sets the Perfect Tone

Silence may be golden in movie theaters, but it’s a different story in offices. Music motivates employees. Plus, it boosts staff satisfaction. That’s because it lifts your mood. It also drowns out distractions.

Play lo-fi beats in your Jackson break room. Or, try classical music. This creates a relaxing space. It also improves your Jackson office coffee service. Employees can chill out as they sip their coffee-based drinks.

Want something different? Try coffee shop sounds. This makes employees feel like they’re in a café. Get a bean-to-cup brewer that grinds fresh coffee beans to complete the coffee shop vibe.

2. Refreshing Breakation Foods

What’s one of the best things about vacations? Food, of course! That’s why our Jackson micro-markets offer tons of choices in your break room. For instance, get healthy snacks, fresh foods, sweet treats, protein meal replacements, all-natural options, crunchy sides, etc. The options are nearly endless! Employees will feel like they’re in their favorite restaurant.

Graham Snack Foods offers rotating menus. This keeps things fresh. We even take special requests. Everybody can enjoy delicious meals, regardless of their dietary needs. Additionally, employees can pay their way. The self-check kiosk takes cash and credit. Or, even mobile wallets.

Jackson Micro-Market | Breakation | Office Coffee

3. Trendy Cold Beverages

Everyone loves to enjoy cold beverages on their vacations. What’s better than a refreshing, fruity drink? Our Jackson vending machine service brings vacation vibes into break rooms. Employees can enjoy trendy beverages during work. For instance, fruit-flavored sparkling water or smooth bottled cold brew.

Furthermore, Graham Snack Foods has healthy options. We carry vitamin water and energy drinks. This supports workplace wellness. Therefore, employees feel their best.

4. Games and Entertainment

All fun vacations have games! Make this a reality in the break room. Put out board games so coworkers can challenge one another during breaks. Offer puzzles to be put together a few pieces at a time as staff comes in for coffee or water. This promotes collaboration. It also boosts morale and productivity. Employees that play together work better together!

Another fun option is to put your vending machines on free vend mode or bring in some bulk goodies. This way, employees can enjoy some summer refreshments. They’ll feel appreciated and know you care. Ask us about turning your Jackson vending machines on free and our deals on ordering bulk products, such as bottled water, to be delivered. We make it affordable and easy.

Graham Snack Foods Is Where Your Breakation Happens

Treat your team to a breakation this summer or any time of the year. Graham Snack Foods is here to help. We offer quality break room services. Employees can enjoy healthy, delicious foods. They’ll also love our trendy drinks! Our services can increase employee satisfaction. Thus, retention rates may rise.

Want to learn more? If so, contact Graham Snack Foods today by calling (731) 423-4330. We offer vending, micro-market, and office coffee solutions. We’re excited to hear from you!