Jackson Vending Machines | Benefits of Breaks | Productivity

Taking Breaks Actually Boosts Jackson Employee Performance

Research supports the value of coffee and lunch breaks at the office. Taking breaks is good for performance and avoiding conditions such as burnout. How so? Consider that focus is finite. It’s the power in a battery that lets a member of your staff work on a task. What happens when the power is used up, but there’s still work to be done? Does the staff member push on, forcing more productivity even if it’s subpar? Or can they get a recharge? One of the best ways for staff to recharge is by taking breaks. The stop in work for a short period of time lets the mind relax or reset.

To fully benefit from the power of breaks, offering a space isn’t enough. Instead, the break room should be part of your workplace culture and inviting. That’s where Graham Snack Foods can help. We specialize in optimizing break rooms. That way, you get the most out of your team. Here are some ways you can boost productivity with breaks.

Breaks Must Come From the Top

Office supervisors and managers need to have a positive attitude about breaks. From articles or podcasts, they need to see the value of stepping away from the computer or job, briefly.

Besides knowing the value of breaks, bosses need to take breaks themselves. This sets the tone for the staff, showing that it’s okay, even good to take that brief time off.

Schedule Breaks into the Day

If your workplace culture has avoided breaks, try adding them in with a set schedule. This lets employees plan for the breaks. It can also avoid crowding at the Jackson vending machine by staggering department break times.

Micro-Market Jackson | Office Coffee Breaks | Coffee by the Cup

Create a Welcoming Break Space

Design a break room that’s comfortable and offers refreshments. Vending machines are perfect for offering cold drinks on demand and snacks that help fuel the body. Graham Snack Foods can offer healthy choices in the vending machine too.

Want a more upscale refreshment solution? Try our Jackson micro-markets. The open design with shelves and coolers allows more options. There are hundreds of bagged snacks, treats, fresh food, dairy choices, and cold drink options. The open design makes it feel more like a mini store inside your Jackson break room.

Create a Coffee Station

A hot cup of coffee is a break standard. Traditional Jackson office coffee brewers make it easy to brew gourmet coffee for a big office. If you want more variety, try our Jackson single-cup coffee service. The different pods offer each team member a chance to brew his or her favorite coffee or hot drink. Then the coffee, and even hot tea, are always fresh.

Effective Breaks Need Support and Leading Break Room Services

Taking a coffee break or lunch break is good for performance. It lets your mind recharge, even if it’s short. The best way to promote breaks is to have management set an example and create a great break space. This includes adding well-stocked snacks, drinks, and food from a break room expert.

Graham Snack Foods is a one-stop-shop for break room services. Our leading vending, micro-market, and office coffee service can transform your break room. That way, it draws employees. Let us make your breaks more effective and boost the bottom line. Call Graham Snack Foods at (731) 423-4330.

Jackson Water Cooler Breaks | Refreshment Services | Office Snacks

3 Reasons Jackson Employees Should Take Water Breaks

Water breaks are essential for Jackson employees. If your team isn’t drinking enough water, they could risk dehydration and poor focus. According to the PUL Hydration company, only 23% of employees drink enough water while working. Luckily, you can help encourage staff to take the water breaks they need to stay at their best.

But how? Keep reading to learn about the power of water breaks and how Jackson break room services can help.

3 Benefits of Water Breaks

Here are the three top benefits of water breaks.

  1. Employees Stay Healthy

Drinking water keeps your team healthy. Hydration improves brain function. Thus, employees stay sharp. It also promotes heart health. Drinking enough water also prevents headaches. Employees will feel their best.

  1. Increased Productivity

Hydrated employees are more focused and have increased energy. In short, drinking water makes them more alert and productive. This has benefits for your business.

  1. Morale Booster

Did you know that drinking water lifts your mood? That’s right! Water balances chemicals in your brain. This can prevent mood swings. Thus, employees feel calmer and more content. And happy employees work better together. Therefore, water breaks can improve company morale.

Better Water Leads to More Water Breaks

Jackson Vending Machines | Healthy Beverage Breaks | Water Filtration

So, how can you encourage employees to drink more water? To start with, try our Jackson beverage vending service. This encourages employees to grab water easily. Plus, water tastes great and is more enticing to your staff.

Our beverage vending machines fit break rooms of all sizes. You can even add options like bubbly water to make it more enticing. Add a beverage vending machine to provide water, which can also improve the flavor of your office coffee brewer or tea.

Speaking of office coffee, we provide coffee brewers through our Jackson office coffee service. You can also get traditional coffee pots or single-cup coffee brewers. Plus, we stock coffee from national brands and even local favorites. Don’t forget the creamers and selection of hot teas.

Make the Break Room a Destination

Another way to get staff to take water breaks is to include refreshments in the break room. For example, a Jackson vending machine full of traditional goodies and healthy snacks. This will bring staff to the break room for chips or a granola bar, where they can also grab cool, refreshing water. We offer water in bottles along with filtered water options.

Graham Snack Foods Helps Your Team Stay Hydrated

As you can see, water breaks are important. They keep employees healthy and hydrated, which promotes productivity.

Encourage employees to take more water breaks by building the ultimate break room! Ask Graham Snack Foods about our water filtration, vending, micro-market, and office coffee services. Workers will love their new office oasis! Contact us today by calling (731) 423-4330.