5 Cold Beverages That Will Help Jackson Employees Beat the Heat

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as Jackson cold beverages on hot summer days. Crisp, refreshing drinks help employees stay hydrated. They’ll be focused and alert. Therefore, employees can perform at their best. Cold drinks also help them beat the heat.

Want to help employees stay ‌cool all summer long? Offer these five trendy cold beverages in your Jackson break room.

1. Trendy Iced Teas

Iced tea is a summertime classic. You’ll enjoy fond childhood memories while sipping this drink. Get premade bottles of iced tea from the Jackson vending machine. Or, make your own using tea bags. Steep extra tea bags in the same amount of hot water to make a more potent brew. Then add ice. Voila! You can now enjoy freshly made iced tea.

2. Try Energizing Cold Beverages Like Iced Coffee

Many employees can feel sluggish on muggy summer mornings. Iced coffee perks them up! Stock your vending machines with bottled iced coffee. Or, offer it in your micro-market. Graham Snack Foods carries many national brands. We’ll help you pick the best products for your team’s preferences. Therefore, everyone can enjoy their favorite flavors!

Or, make your own iced coffee straight from the Jackson office coffee brewer. Simply brew some strong coffee. Then, pour it over ice. Add sweetener or creamer to customize your cup.

Jackson Micro-Market Beverages | Office Refreshments | Cold Brew

3. Fruit-Infused Water

Employees should drink plenty of water throughout their workday. Want to jazz up your water? Add some flavor! Thus, it’s more exciting to drink. For example, try fruit flavors like lemon or strawberry. These are delicious and refreshing. Or, add liquid vitamin enhancers. These help you feel and perform your best.

4. Kombucha is a Healthy Cold Drink

Kombucha is the perfect summer drink. This sweet tea is delicious and nutritious. It’s full of antioxidants. Thus, it reduces your risk of disease. Kombucha also supports gut health. Lastly, it’s a natural energy booster.

Stock Kombucha in your micro-market. Jackson employees can buy it for lunch. They can also purchase fresh foods and snacks. For instance, offer wraps, salads, and fresh fruits. These refreshing foods are summer lunchtime essentials!

5. Sparkling Waters Satisfy Your Sweet Tooth

Sparkling waters support workplace wellness. Employees can enjoy the taste and fizz of soda without sugar. They come in plenty of trendy flavors. For example, try mint and lime, lemon, or strawberry mango. Yum!

Chill with Graham Snack Foods’s Trendy Cold Beverages

Chill all summer long with delicious cold drinks. Graham Snack Foods offers something for everyone. We’ll help you find the best solutions for your Jackson staff. Ask us about our trendy teas, water filtration system, or office coffee services.

To learn more, call Graham Snack Foods today at (731) 423-4330. We’ll help your employees beat the heat!