Jackson Healthy Vending | Employee Support | Health Goals

How To Support Jackson Employee Health Goals

Summer is around the corner! That means it’s the perfect time to start investing in your health goals. And it’s always a great idea to support your employees on their journey to a healthy and happy life. You can do both by upgrading your office break room with healthy snack and beverage options.

You might be wondering why supporting employee wellness matters. Well, a healthy team is a happy one! That means better corporate morale and a more productive workspace. And that’s a good thing for everyone. So, let’s talk more about how you can make your Jackson break room a space to help your team hit their health goals.

A Wellness Boost in the Break Room

The break room is where people go to relax, refuel, and connect with co-workers. So, it’s important that the Jackson vending machines or micro markets are stocked with nutritious options. Then label all the top-tier products inside so employees know what’s the best option. You can also show your team support by providing free food. When you subsidize the healthy snacks and food in the break room, you can help employees make positive and healthy choices.

Jackson Vending Solutions | Open Markets Fresh Food | Health Goals

Better Beverages

You are what you eat…and drink! So, put better-for-you drinks in your break room. Try different teas that provide antioxidants and nutrients. Green tea is a favorite that has positive health benefits and is easy to add to office coffee and tea service. Of course, you’ve also got to have clean and healthy water. Staying hydrated is essential to any health goal, so give employees what they need to succeed. Other healthy drinks to find in your micro market coolers include vitamin waters, fruit juices, iced teas, kombucha, and more.

Health Goals Go Beyond the Diet

It takes more than good food from the vending machine and healthy drinks to reach your health goals. You also need a supportive and motivating community! Help create a supportive space by making support groups at work. For example, you can make clubs for specific types of workouts and interests. Make a biking club, yoga group, or walking club. This will help people find support and like-minded co-workers.

Graham Snack Foods is Your Go-To Health Goals Partner

Are you ready to upgrade your Jackson break room with healthy snacks and beverages? Graham Snack Foods has you covered with nutritious options perfect for a break room wellness culture. From vending machines to micro markets we can stock and label items that inspire better living. And don’t forget to add some wellness support to bring the benefits of your healthy break room home.

Let Graham Snack Foods help design your dream healthy break room today. Contact us at (731) 423-4330 to get started!

Jackson Employee Benefit | Corporate Culture | Kiosk

5 Ways to Make Your Jackson Break Room a Valuable Employee Benefit

Want to make your workplace even better? Try updating your Jackson break room so it’s more than just a place to eat lunch, but a perk for everyone! That way it can even help increase morale and boost retention. Here’s how to upgrade your break room for an employee benefit your team will love.

Give It a Makeover

Does your break room need a refresh? Give it a makeover! A fresh coat of paint can make a big difference, and it’s an easy fix that can be scheduled for over the weekend. Also, think about adding some plants to the break space. This not only makes the room look better but also helps clean the air, making it healthier to breathe. Overall, plants bring a bit of nature inside, making it a happier and more vibrant workspace. A few simple touches will go far!

Break Room Benefit: Micro-Markets

Say goodbye to vending machines and hello to a Jackson micro-market! It’s like having a small store right in your break room. You can find all sorts of snacks, drinks, and even fresh food. This makes it easy for everyone to find something they like, and it’s healthier too! This is one employee benefit that everyone at the office will thank you for.

Use It for Group Activities

Make your break room a welcoming place for gathering and getting to know each other. You could have meditation sessions during lunch or talks about money management. It’s a great way for everyone to learn something new and bond with their coworkers. This can benefit your team by helping them feel supported both in and outside of work. The result? Happy and healthy employees!

Jackson Beverage Vending Machine | Office Perks | Fresh Food Benefit

Celebrate Wins at Work

Let your team know when they’re doing a great job! You can put up messages in the break room for work anniversaries or when a team hits their goals. You could even give them micro-market credits or free vend vouchers to buy snacks as a reward. Who doesn’t love free food? Showing appreciation for your team is a small touch that can make a big impact.

Coffee Benefit: A Corporate Cafe

Upgrade your office coffee game! Instead of just one type of coffee, offer a variety of options. You might consider single-cup coffee machines that brew coffee by the cup so everyone can get the blend or brand they want. Having different coffee choices can make mornings (and afternoons) better. And great Jackson coffee service is a benefit that everyone can get behind.

Use a Service Provider Who Cares

One of the most overlooked ways to better use your break room is to switch to a high-quality break room service provider. By teaming up with a company like Graham Snack Foods, you can make sure your break room stays modern and fresh. We’ll keep the Jackson vending machines full and take care of all of your break room needs. That means less stress for you and more benefits for employees!

So, why wait? Give your Jackson break room a boost today and see the benefits for yourself! Contact us at (731) 423-4330 to learn more. We can’t wait to work with you!

Jackson Healthy Vending Machine | Better-for-you Snacks | Wellness

Jackson Healthy Vending Trends to Try in Your Break Room

Healthy vending machines are must-haves in your Jackson break room. They benefit both employees and businesses. Healthy snacks support your staff’s health and wellness. Nutritional foods can also boost productivity and employee satisfaction. Thus, work output and retention improve.

Graham Snack Foods’s snack vending machines make it easy for employees to feel their best. They have 24/7 access to affordable and healthy options.

Want to add healthy snacks to your break room? Here are some tasty trends to try.

Baked Snacks

Employees want to stay healthy. But some also want to satisfy their salt cravings. Therefore, baked snacks are a great option. Most have fewer calories and less saturated fats than traditional choices. Enjoy salty snacks while keeping your waistline trim.

We can stock the Jackson vending machine with baked chips. These come in tons of flavors to meet many tastes. Or, we can add pretzels and popcorn. These are great lunchtime sides!

Protein-Packed Healthy Vending Snacks

Protein helps employees power through their workdays. It also helps them maintain a healthy weight. That’s because protein curbs hunger. Employees will feel full between meals.

Offer protein-rich vending snacks. There are plenty to try! For instance, try cheese sticks or jerky. You can also offer nuts. Almonds and cashews are packed with protein.

Have a Jackson micro-market? Ask for hard-boiled eggs and Greek yogurt. Feta and hummus are also great options. They’re stuffed with protein! Employees can grab quality on-site foods for lunch. This saves them time from driving to the store. Thus, it improves productivity. Employees will focus on their work, not driving.

Jackson Micro-Market & Vending | Healthy Office Refreshments | Break Room Water Filters

All-Natural Vending Snacks

Many employees want to eat all-natural foods, which can promote workplace wellness. That’s because all-natural snacks can improve heart health. Studies also show they can be good for your brain too!

What types of natural snacks work well in the workplace? Dried fruits or nuts are great. You can also get trail mix. These all-natural vending options are sure to please!

Want to help employees stay hydrated? Ask Graham Snack Foods about our all-natural beverages. We carry bottled water and 100% juices. Or, get canned sparkling drinks.

Need an accompanying solution? No problem! A Jackson beverage vending machine is a great option for more drinks. Just ask us!

Graham Snack Foods Is Your One-Stop Shop for Healthy Vending Snacks

In conclusion, healthy vending options can improve your workplace. Employees will eat healthier. Thus, they may take fewer sick days. They’ll also stay focused. Healthy snacks are also a powerful retention tool.

Graham Snack Foods offers many nutritional items. We have baked and all-natural snacks. We also carry bottled water and juice.

Contact us today at (731) 423-4330 for more information. Ask us about our vending, micro-market, and office coffee service solutions. We hope to hear from you soon!